SBOT- Annual General Meeting

Any business with an active Town of Stettler business license or Board of Trade membership is considered a member and eligible to vote. Please RSVP to Byron Geddes, Executive Director.
Stettler Regional Board of Trade Annual General Meeting
February 8, 2022
'The Hub' Stettler Recreation Centre (6202 - 44 Avenue)Stettler Regional Board of Trade Monthly Executive Meeting
We will be hosting the Annual General Meeting followed by the monthly Executive Meeting, please set your schedules accordingly. As this invitation includes the Annual General Meeting, we will not be providing access via Teams and in person attendance will be requested.
Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP with restrictions so we can accommodate.
As these meetings will be held at the HUB, we will be required to follow the Restriction Exemption Program. Please be prepared to provide proof of double vaccination or a rapid test will be required to be completed on site. If you will be required to perform a rapid test, please arrive no later than 11:30 to accommodate. Masks will be required to be worn unless you are a minimum of 6 feet (3 metres) away from other individuals in attendance and/or while eating or drinking. We thank you for your assistance in keeping our staff and community healthy.