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Staffing Shortages Impacting Sales and Production, ACC Survey

Chamber of Commerce

MEDIA RELEASE— September 16, 2022

For immediate release

Staffing Shortages Impacting Sales and Production, ACC Survey

Edmonton, AB – Employers are struggling to find the people they need, and this is having a significant impact on the ability of businesses to grow, according to recent research conducted by the Alberta chambers network. This was one insights gained through a recent hiring intentions survey undertaken through the Alberta Chambers of Commerce (ACC) market research program.


The survey—the third in this series—ran in July 2022. A sister survey was also conducted in August 2022, to identify perceptions of Alberta's labour market among members of the public living in the province who were currently working or had some potential to enter the workforce. 


Findings from the employer research indicates more than sixty per cent (62%) of business respondents are facing a significant or moderate staffing shortage, a significant increase from one year ago. 


Furthermore, of those facing shortages, seven-in-ten (71%) say those shortages are having a significant or moderate impact on production and sales opportunities. The scale of impacts from shortages has also increased substantially from July 2021. 


Findings from the research conducted with those living in Alberta indicate that, among those currently working, more than four-in-ten (43%) report that they are experiencing at least a moderate staffing shortage. And, among those expressing a shortage in their employer organization, almost half (48%) believe this is having an impact on sales and production. 


"Majorities of both respondent groups believe a recession is likely in the next twelve months with inflation being cited as a major issue, which is very concerning given the momentum we've been building with economic recovery," says ACC President and CEO Shauna Feth.


“Recession aside and thinking in the medium to long term, the importance of talent attraction and development cannot be understated. The data shows us that both employers and workers recognize the impact of staffing shortages, which affects everybody’s outcomes and the broader provincial economy.”


"Another challenge is the perceived skills gap by both employers and workers. On the positive side, Albertans consistently report a willingness to acquire new skills on an ongoing basis and we see a growing number of employers upskilling staff and offering training as incentives to job candidates."


"The ACC and our members are actively working with Alberta’s Post-Secondary Network to ensure programming has new graduates ready to hit the ground running when they enter the labour market. We need to pull all the levers available to get talent into vacant positions, from mature workers to the long term unemployed, and that includes making it easy for business to recruit and retain people from outside the province."


View ACC's recent Employer Hiring Intentions research report here.

View ACC's recent Public Perceptions of Alberta's Labour Market research report here.