Nominee Information Company Name * Nominee Name (First and Last) Address Municipality Postal Code Nominee Email Address Nominee Phone Number How many years has the nominee worked at this company? How does the nominee demonstrate outstanding customer service? How does the nominee continue to improve their service and/or relationships with their customers? Has the nominee received a Stettler Award within the past four years? Yes No Unsure Additional Comments Please include any additional awards, achievements, or comments that may assist the committee on their decision. Attachments (if required) Choose File No file chosen The maximum total size of all files in a single form submission is 1 GB. Nominated by: Name (First and Last) Email Address Phone Number How do you know the nominee? Please include all details including type and length of relationship. Submission Confirmation You will receive a confirmation notification upon submission. If you do not receive notification, please contact the Stettler Board of Trade office at 403-742-3181 to confirm the nomination. Leave Blank This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.